Explore career opportunities in the heart of Victoria.
Oversee the management of Uniting’s retirement village portfolio of 12 villages located across southern & eastern Melbourne & Gippsland.
Make a difference in the lives of individuals & families grappling with substance use issues. Provide trauma informed support to reduce AOD related harms & promote recovery.
Promote systemic change & support the sustained participation of vulnerable 3-year-old children in early childhood education. Support families to strengthen home learning environments & address barriers to accessing early childhood education.
Make a difference in the lives of vulnerable individuals & families who are homeless or are at risk of experiencing homelessness. Support your clients to break the cycle of homelessness.
Plan and execute the delivery + manage the end to end of the CMS project
Join our team and provide intensive wraparound case management services to children & families to create a safe and nurturing home environment.
Matrix management model. Support from partner agency & Uniting leadership. Use referral pathways to provide positive outcomes.
Are you a skilled + bachelor-qualified teacher looking for your next role? Join our friendly, community kindergarten.
Stimulating social work role providing outreach & group work support to vulnerable babies, children & young parents. Passionate team environment with supportive leadership.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 26 in total
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